What's your excuse?
Like I said, these are the things you learn when you go to a lot of cons. You can't hang out at a con without meeting strange people and seeing/hearing strange things. They actually have panels on slash fiction. I haven't been to any of those particular panels, but they're listed in the program guide.

Funny thing is, the panels on slash fiction are some of the more tame ones.

A quick scan through the program from last year's Worldcon reveals some of the following topics for panels...

- "Buffy/Spike. Consensual sexual Violence. Is it ever OK?"

- "The Theory and Art of Flirting"

- "Costume or Fetishwear? Drawing the line, and crossing it"

- "Why does SF erotica tend toward the dark side?"

- "Alien Sex: Presentation by Patricia MacEwen"

I'm not making these up. Of course, there are the normal types of panels you would expect, such as "Religion and Fandom", "Genetics and future societies", "New astronomy, astrophysics, and astrobiology science discoveries", and "Getting past writer's block". There's also some that sound really fun, like the "Dr. Destructo" panels.

By the way, that was from a scan through one day's worth of programming of a five-day con... Admittedly, it was WorldCon, the big one, but you get the idea.
Tony Fabris