I KNOW I am going to feel silly when someone tells me what I am missing, but I seem to be experiencing a mental block on this, so...

I am using EAC to extract from CD and generate structured folders with the music files. However, I have set EAC to retain the .WAV files alongside the .MP3 files, so that any future re-encode doesn't require re-ripping the actual CDs.

The M3U files are in there too, but I have set emplode to ignore them.

My problem: When I select the top level directory for the music files in Windows Explorer, and drop it onto emplode, BOTH the MP3 and WAV versions of the files end up in emplode.

How can I drop a folder structure on emplode, but only have the MP3 files acted upon?

How have others who retain the original CD WAV files arranged things to work smoothly with emplode?

Thanks in advance.
Former owner of two RioCar Mark2a with lots of extra stuff