About the Mk.2 discount for existing owners... Will it be a one time offer, or will we be able to take advantage of it as and when we can afford it (I only ask, because I'll be on holiday for the last 3 weeks in April, and I sort of expect to be seriously strapped for cash for a while on my return

I'm also curious as to which group will get preference, past deferrals or existing owners? But as I said above, it's probably going to be academic as far as I'm concerned...

Or have the final details not been sorted out yet?
Personally speaking, (although I hope to upgrade to a Mk.2 as soon as I possibly can) since I already have a Mk.1, I can't really argue against those who deferred being given first choice... (as long as it doesn't take too long

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Reg No. 554, s/n 00064 - It's mine I tell you.... all mine :)