And if you think the driving in Boston is bad, you shoud try the boating. Especially if youre in a sailboat.
On the weekends the psychotic "yahoos" come out of the woodwork.
I've probably had more close call's (life and death wise) boating outside of Boston Harbor around the harbor islands than I've had driving.

I think a lot of it stems from the fact that any dumbass can buy a boat irregardless of skill. Theres no licensing and no pre-qualifications.
The lawyers and stock brokers in their 1000 horsepower, 500 gallons of fuel a day, cigarrette boats are the worst offenders. Especially if they've been drinking.
I love listening to these guys call SeaTow after they've:
1. Run aground
2. Run out of fuel
3. Hit another boat
4. Blown an engine

And sometimes they get lost. Chart? whats a chart?
I helped a guy once who was trying to get to Nahant using a road map. I swear!

Dont get me wrong I love powerboating, and I dont want to piss on anybody's fun, but at least I took the time to learn the rules of the road (sea?) and get some navigation skills.

Sorry that was a rant that was probably unnecessary...
We now return you to your thread about mass(hole) drivers.
...all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by.