Thanks for your input.

The first thing that occurs to me is that if you did go this route, it's likely to use IE-specific stuff
Would this be avoidable with good coding, or is it pretty much determined that using .net restricts the user to IE? Either way it's probably not important to the client, as all of the users are already required to be running Win2K (or XP shortly). I do hate writing restrictive programs though.

Obviously, it depends on how hard these users are going to be on the servers.
Essentially all the users will do is log on, select a bunch of data from a database, and print out some forms. The only issue is that it is not inconceivable for the vast majority of them to all do it within the same four-hour time window.

Scalability is nice, but I’m not sure it’s going to get much bigger than the numbers are right now. We’ll scale up initially, but I don’t see us servicing more than 20,000 people. I should also mention that we’d have at least six servers, as the information the users input will eventually go to six different sites. Since this makes for a logical breakdown into six different groups (which are very clearly delineated), it makes sense for each site to have it’s own server (or servers). Of course, I could totally be talking out of my butt on all this; I’m just regurgitating what our current web (Portal) developers are telling me.
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.