Is there some particular project you're looking at making or just looking at putting me out of the couple of dollars I make on a lens because of my backlog this year?
Because if it's the latter, this year has had absolutely horrible circumstances for me which has caused this major backlog.
My history of serving the community over the past couple of years has been very good. Ask any of my long time loyal customers not the few new customers that expect fast food convenience type service for a niche custom part out of what they mistakenly think is a full time full fledged business instead of the spare time hobby for the community business it is.
Also there was no need to worry about either of your orders Jeff. As I stated
Here, I intend to honor all orders that I received until the site went down.
As for the offer on the site hosting guys that would be great but the site I'm at (It's still there just not accessible at the moment) was tolerable for me and pretty easy to use. It was just with all of the problems this year I wasn't able to make enough in profit to renew the site before it went down so I'm going to have to steal money from some bills here and there to get it back up.
And though I was pretty much satisfied with them I could have used more storage space and cgi or something similar. Even though I don't know how to program that stuff I can build a basic web page with the Dreamweaver program I have. Plus I would still have to use Tucows (that's who my account was with) or someone else to some extent for my domain name registration which is also through them.
That is unless I misunderstand how the whole process works. (You know, I tested for IQ at 142 in my mid 20's but the older I get I think it's dropping point by point

I would have only liked to have those things (space, cgi, etc...) because I could have made the site a little more functional for the customers the way I wanted and I couldn't find the javascript to do the equivalent.
Paul had offered to help me out with it but I just haven't been able to put the time in to find the examples of how I wanted it to work.