yes - the tuner is set right. here is the latest:

because the audi has a diversity antenna system, i went to the local stereo shop to get a converter from the small connector to the large. this should not be necessary because the empeg should be able to get adequate signal from the larger connector alone. nonetheless, i wanted to cover my bases. when i got to the stereo shop, i plugged it all in, turned it on and voila - it worked! i unplugged the antenna altogether and even without the antenna, the station was pretty clear. i plugged in the adapter i just bought, since it includes the power connection, and the signal was still there. after a few moments, the signal went off again and never came back, no matter how much i wiggled things and unplugged/replugged things.

so, i don't think an antenna is the issue. the tuner just doesn't seem to be tuning anything in. at this point, i wouldn't mind mailing my tuner somewhere to have it checked out if possible. i wanted to buy the clear buttons, led's and the optical output, so if there's anyone that would be willing to do all that labor for me, and diagnose/repair the tuner problem, please let me know!