Ok. Some post-painted pics of my dock if anyone is interested! Warning, 1.5MB hi-res pics!

pic 1 here
and pic 2here

<edit: updated pics to links, as opposed to inline pics to conserve bw>

Complete with button/knob kit and an AnoFace.

The dock was painted over 3 days. Here's how it went for anyone hesitant to spoil the surface of their virgin dock.

The first day consisted of cleaning the dock free from any dust or abrasions. Next, I masked the rear plate with the connectors, masked the venting holes on the side from the inside, then at last stuck some newspaper inside and masked the front edge of the dock.

Next I fastened a hanger out of bailing wire and suspended the dock from a rafter. I created a mini painting booth out of some old cardboard and newspaper. (with plenty of ventilation and using a proper breathing mask mind you, although the paint still got to my noodle... weeee!). The first step consisted a LIGHT coat of flat black enamel spraypaint. 5 minutes later, a second LIGHT coat. About 45 minutes later, a 3rd and final coat, this time a little more liberal on the paint to ensure an even and complete coat, but not enough to make bubbles, runs, or streaks. Then let it dry overnight.

Day 2 consisted of cleaning the surface free from dust again. Then 2 coats of clear gloss polyeurethane (the spray kind), about 1 hour apart. Then overnight to dry again!

Day 3, the dock was ready for use!

A few complaints though that the front edge of the top and bottom OSB? was a little rough, and would have liked to sand it down a little before I painted, but must certainly give credit to a great piece of craftsmanship.

The results, well a not-quite-as shiny as a piano finish, but certainly good enough for me!


Edited by lothar (05/05/2003 21:45)