Well, the fine is only $75, so I'm not worried about that. I was worried about the insurance premiums. But after looking at MA law, it appears that the first (minor civil offense) ticket in each 'experience period' doesn't give you any SDIP points. So as long as I don't get any more within a year then I'm fine. Since this is only my second speeding ticket in 13 years of driving (last one about 6 years ago), the odds are in my favor. Even if I did, it's only one SDIP point. Last night when I posted this I was under the impression that it was automatically 3. Don't know where that came from.

Now I've just got to overturn the at-fault major accident in January that just went against me. I'm fairly confident about that - four drivers made an illegal turn across me at an intersection once I was already in the intersection impeding my progress across it and causing me to get hit in the passenger side. Argh.

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