OK I listen to the song Kid Rock Forever On my home stereo and playing through my Empeg on the home Stereo

Volume is down about 25% (aprox Empeg is set to Zero) and I don't have a O-scope but my ear says the music above about 11K to ??? seems to be about 3 db lower on the Empeg Vs the Oringal CD..

I based that on the volume level of the Tamboren(sp) you can hear in the back ground on that song its pretty Steady sound.

Its almost like the Frequency Responce on the Empeg or the Mp3's is being Clipped on the low and high end.

I don't have a CD player in the car so I can't do the Other Thing you suggested.

My Empeg is Serial Number 080000406

Anyone have Written Numbers on what the Frequency Responce of the Empeg is ?? or suggestions on a Setting for Music match or a Different All in one Ripping program that I can try ?
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