So far, AT&T is the only company that I have ran into that won't give unlock codes. And I found myself stuck with one of their T68i phones. So I bought the cable and unlocking services online from Virtual Dynamix. I'm tempted to use them again to do a remote firmware upgrade, though that tends to be a bit riskier.

For the record, I got the AT&T phone when my Nokia 8290 broke. I have a Best Buy PSP on it, and at the time all their T-Mobile phones sucked. So I talked the tech into giving me the T68i as a replacement. I got the PSP so I would never be without a cell phone if mine broke. I then found out T-Mobile has loaner phones from their stores, and I got one while I waited on the cable. In the future, I'll just get my phones right from T-Mobile again.

And on the Mac Bluetooth side, get the Salling Clicker app. It's well worth it just to amaze your coworkers with a proximity sensor that locks and unlocks your workstation. Beyond that, it's useful for the practical purposes of not having to manually unlock your station, and having a nice and secure way of ensuring it is locked when you are not around.