Some things to check:

1. Check available memory in Task Manager/Performance display (as well as Total in Commit Charge(k)) in Task Manager.

If these two figures are stable and the Available Memory is reasonably static thenthe system probably has enough memory.

2. Select Process tab and click on CPU column - this will sort the processes by CPU used, clicking on CPU column again will reverse the sort display.
See what Processes are using CPU, pay attention to the "system Idle process" as a lot of Windows tasks seem to run under that guide in Windows and this make it hard to work out which process/threads of the dozens on your system are guzzling the CPU.

3. If you reinstalled over the top of the existing Windows 2K system, without reformatting the disk, see if the disk is fragmented, and if the disk is NTFS and over 50% full, then definately defrag the disk.

4. If Reinstalled over the top of existing system, then consider that your Registry files are probably fragemented - download pagedfrg.exe from

If none of these are at fault, let us know.