I have not read most of this thread, but I wanted to give my impressions anyway.

I assume that at this point, people who are reading this thread won't find the following info to be spoilers, but you've been warned

Yeah, it had lots of discussions of pseudo-philosophy, but I enjoyed those. They added to the atmosphere.

As far as the action and storyline go, they couldn't have been better. The fight with the multiple Agent Smiths was one of the best fight scenes in movie history. Period. Also, the freeway scene was everything it was hyped up to be.

As for the plot line, I ate it up. The big revelation from the Architect, the fact that the Oracle was a machine's control program, everything. Just amazing.

Lastly, people have complained about the fact that it was so cut off at the end. I didn't see it that way at all! Everyone knows there's a sequel coming out. Everyone knows it's a trilogy. This movie had about 2 climactic scenes (destruction of the Architect's tower and the destruction of the Nebuchadnezzar) which provided enough of a sense of a big ending. The first Lord of the Rings (and the second, for that matter), had much more of a non-ending. I thought this one was just right for what they wanted to do. Plus, we only have to wait 6 months or so.

So that's my impression, or some of them. I loved it.