What do you think, what are the morons from Caldera (oops, SCO) up to? From the moment they were formed as spinoff from (IIRC) Novell* they stumble from one failure to the next. Perhaps they hope, as many analysts believe, to force IBM into buying them (if they don't run themselves into bankruptcy first by pursuing expensive frivolous lawsuits and alienating all their customers in the process). There is an interesting point in
this article: SCO maintains that Linux contains parts of proprietary Unix code, but they have released it themselves under GPL as a part of SCO Linux, they variant of UnitedLinux (actually little more than rebranded SuSe).
In my book, one is certain: SCO Unix and UnixWare are dead.
*) At one moment Novell owned both Unix and Tuxedo,
the transaction monitor & app server for *ix world. Both languished for a year or two in the hands of incompetent owners untill they were bought by (original) SCO** and BEA, respectively.
**) Don't you find it ironic that SCO Unix in part traces its origin to
Microsoft Xenix?