Bit annoying about the incoming calls part.
I was shocked at first, having come from the UK, but the company pays for my phones here so I don't realy care
And the teenager is on Virgin Mobile so she cannot run up big bills without having already spent the money.

Then again, I'm sure you pay much less than what we would for line rental and call costs

Actually I think mobile phones are one of the things that are better value in the UK, although I guess it depends on which point of view you are looking at it from, it is cheeper to call a mobile in the US (charged at the same rate as calling any other phone, or free if it is a local number), but then the mobile user has to pay to receive a call. In the UK mobiles are more expensive to call, but free to receive calls on. So I just guess it depends on whether you spend all your time being called on your mobile, or all your time calling mobiles.

Either way someone pays 'extra' for that call, and the networks make money, but I guess that is life
Mark. [blue]MKI, MKII & MKIIa, all Blue, and all Mine![/blue]