
I have been running the builder on a lot of drives recently. I have noticed that if I try to build a previously built drive, I get errors.

Specifically, after the build completes and the upgrade file is applied successfully, the boot log shows an error in the newly generated file system. The physical drives are found, but the partitions are not. It will still boot into the player application (because this is a fresh install, there were no existing playlists in my case) with a blank playlist. Attempts to connect with emplode force a reboot of the player, and emplode to either crash or produce an error.

I found that rebuilding the drive a second time will correct this problem. During this rebuild, it will not recognize any existing partitions, so it will proceed without any manual intervention / keystrokes.

I never actually documented this out or reported it as a bug, but I guess I should. I will try it out the weekend, and see if I can get it to a consistant, documentable report. For myself, it has been consistant with various drive sizes over at least four different attempts.

Meanwhile, could you post a boot log of the player so that I can see if it is the same error I saw previously? Thanks.
Paul Grzelak
200GB with 48MB RAM, Illuminated Buttons and Digital Outputs