Dude. So the teacher responded to my first email (the frantic one) and he said that I'd have to email him my form number from the test, and he would call me with my grade. The problem here was the fact that I had no idea there was a form number (and i thought it was pretty stupid of him to not realize this).

Anyhow, in my lengthy reply , I explained my situation and apologized for wasting his time and whatnot. He didn't respond for almost a week so I sent him a follow up email asking the status of the situation. He responded with "You got an A, have a good summer".

What I don't understand about this is the severity of his first email. "Respond within 2 hours or you will get a 0 on your final". I mean, was that really necessary? Scared the bejeezus out of me. How do you spell bejeezus?