Yeah me too!
I ordered before he left, but his anodizer couldnt get it done in time, so I'm still waiting.
He also said that he lost the emails of the last batch of people who ordered, so you might want to drop him an email if you've paid and are still waiting.

This is my last email from him:

Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2003 5:14 AM
hi Z.

i did not send it because the guy who do the anodizing wasn´t ready by
the time i left germany.
ani am very sorry about that. on top of it i forgot all the e-mail
adresses from you guys who ordered a NewFace.
i will send your NewFace first thing when i am back in germany!
now i am on a 2.5 months job in South Africa and Namibia, that means i
can not ship it before end of June.
i will let you know when i ship it!!!
i really hope you can stand the waiting and again i am very sorry.
...all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by.