I don't know anything about the amp. I was told it comes with one by the dealer, but I did not ask more since I am anyway planning to install my own system. I would not be surproised if the guy was worng. I'll let you know if you're interested. I did not even buy the Bose system because it required to buy a more expensive head unit and anyway I did not want to spend anything on it since my installation would have been surely better.. And the empeg deserves the best, right?

see you have a radio module too; as I live in europe too, how is the reception with the module?

I USED to have one. That was stolen with my car, since as you know the radio module is permanently in the car. My radio module must be on the desk of somebody who has no clue about what the heck that thing is.

I'll definitely buy another one, because the quality of reception was excellent, at least according to my experience. I also loved the display in radio mode. I really enjoyed the empeg as a radio, I have to say.

The REAL problem is RDS+V2.00final. AF doesn't really work well, and it will keep changing stations automatically trying to find a better reception BUT without realizing it should nonetheless stay on the station you chose firstly . Radio experience with v.2.00final becomes somewhat hysterically funny until it drives you completely crazy and you give up.
Since one of the bugs od RDS in v.2.00final is that you can't switch neither RDS nor AF off, I had to revert to 2.00b13, which works fine (but has no AF and TA functions yet, which is not a big problem anyway).

Anyway, knowing our good old empeg team, I am sure problems on V2.00 final will be solved in 3.00beta.

Aside from this, I really recommend that you get a radio module. I have been enthusiastic about it.
= Taym =
MK2a #040103216 * 100Gb *All/Colors* Radio * 3.0a11 * Hijack = taympeg