This is another shot from the tundra on the North Slope, just over the pass through the Brooks Range, supposedly the northern most mountain pass (with a road) in the world.
It was July 7 or so but very cold. I met somebody in Fairbanks and rode with them to Prudhoe Bay because I didn't want to chance it alone in case of equipment problems. Good thing, too, since the guy who rode with me had some problems. We ended up camping out on the tundra (not in this spot) for about 4 days waiting to have a replacement tire flown in for his bike. Then we changed it by hand since there were no motorcycle tools around! It worked out well, though, and I'd do it again in a second.
We rode over the pass and the weather started to get pretty bad. There was about 2" of snow accumulation when we set up camp. We shared my tent that time to help us stay warmer.
162647-Camped on the tundra.jpg (88 downloads)
Edited by TigerJimmy (06/06/2003 15:38)