I saw them at compusa, circuit city, and bestbuy. I went to several of each store (yes I am crazy). All of the bestbuy stores but one had a 191t connected to an alienware demo system via the dvi. One of the had a 213t with dvi. One compusa had the same setup as bestbuy. At both places they try to keep to out of the system with some stupid demo running I was able to get out of it.

The other problem I had with the stores is that they either had the resoulution set wrong and or had a picture for the wallpaper that was too small and used stretch so it looked crappy.

I'm glad I know how to change all this stuff so I can actually demo the monitor. I don't know how they expect to sell these things when they are set up wrong and look like crap.

I guess they all have flourescent lighting but I have compact flourescent bulbs in my lights too.

Edited by msaeger (13/06/2003 15:54)
