but when what ORBS does, how it works, etc. is explained they usually go "ahhhhh...." and then beat their ISP/employer up for being spam-friendly.Ahhhh. Although there's no way I'm going to be able to beat my ISP into doing anything other than consistently ignoring my support requests.
Is there a way to tell the mailserver to ignore the ORBS recommendation just for my particular e-mail address? Does it have an exception list? I'd like to get on the BAEUG mailing list anyway.
PS: Damn, is that name sticking? BAEUG? Come one, we can come up with a cooler acronym than that, can't we? Something pronounceable? How about BAEL (Bay Area Empeg Lovers)? Or BAMBIE (Bay Area MP3 Believers In Empeg)? Or AMOEBA (Association Made Of Empeggers in the Bay Area)? Okay, so those really suck. But you see the kind of thing I'm going for?
Tony Fabris