Sorry for all the daft questions! But currently at home, I have my cable modem connected to a Netgear RP114 router. 4 PCs are accessing the Internet through this:

1. My desktop
2. laptop
3. CNC PC in cellar
4. PC in garage

So... if I get a CF 802.11 card with a PCMCIA adapter I can use this in my laptop or the Pocket PC as required.

So now I just need to know whether to get an access point like this , or one of the USB ones like this

See, at work I have just a cable modem into my PC, can I still use the access point on this (assuming I take it back and forward to work as required) ? And would I then need ANOTHER card for the work desktop? Or maybe I wouldn't, as I would only need to use the desktop OR the Pocket PC at any one time. It would just be a PITA to screw about with cables all the time.

So can I use the USB card on a PC even if its connected to a router via ethernet, and get internet and email this way? Or will there be all sorts of network conflicts?

Edited by PhilipOHare (15/06/2003 09:47)