the third thread about the demise of the empeg only had 9 thousand-odd hits.
Three possible explanations come to mind:

1) If memory serves me right that thread was back before the "fire sale" when empegs were being sold for $199. The user base was much smaller back then. Fewer users == fewer views.
2) Once we all vented our spleens about it, there really wasn't much to say, so that thread sunk to the bottom. Over the following months, as further details of the EOL were released, I believe there were other follow-up threads. The tuner threads lived for so long because people kept bumping them to check status, and the tuner saga was obviously drawn out over a long time due to Patrick's difficulty in sourcing parts.
2) We all wanted to forget that moment, because it really broke our hearts.

Makes sense to me, really.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff