Currently I installed the linux-arm port of samba on my empeg. After playing around a few hours my deamons are now running. But it seems, that there is a problem with the kernel.
The samba server can't do any locks and semaphores.

does some one have experience with samba?

I've had Samba-2.0.7 running some months already.

The kernel does not have semaphores but I would suggest you to cross-compile Samba without semaphores instead of adding semaphore support to kernel. For interprocess communication, LinuxThreads works much better and faster than any of that System V IPC stuff.

If I recall right, you still need to do some modifications to the Samba files to get it correctly compiled. I have the modified source tree (over 20 megs uncompressed) if you're interested.

When you have a working binary of Samba, you'll still need to do quite some modifications to directory structures and such to make it actually work. Some directories in /etc must exist and they need to be always RW mounted in order to get Samba running.
