Well, I'm not saying it should behave exactly like Windows. I just get put off by things I don't like initially. For instance I can see your reasonings behind the bits of UI we've been talking about, but I tend to think that the first thing I would do would be to turn them off, just like I turn off and adjust countless Windows "features" when I get a fresh machine.

First off, what is "Aqua"? I gather that's the general interface of the MacOS? Hmm, that inability to resize the titlebars would be a big point for me. I really disliked the size of them on the machine I tested. Is there no way to adjust it? I keep all my Windows titlebars as small as possible.

I'll check into those classes you mentioned. Like you said, it's a big investment just to try out the Apple experience, but I may give it a try someday. I think I may do my Linux trials first, though, as that would be an easier thing to try