How here is my 2 pence worth

If you in't bought a PeeCee for about 5 years you are not going to need something screamingly fast as far as i can tell most tasks apart from game playing runs just fine on a 1Ghz machine.

Up until just recently my fastest machine was trundling along at a mighty 400Mhz the new PC is a screamer at 2.4Ghz and how much faster is it at most of the stuff i do. Honest answer not very much, it goes no faster online, it takes pictures off my camera no faster it prints no faster it talks to the empeg no faster, but everyone things faster is better. well the jury is still out as i have yet to do anything real heavy on it like ripping etc.

So i would be tempted to go for a quality pc of real good bits instead of a screamer.
P.Allison fixer of big engines Mk2+Mk2a signed by God / Hacked by the Lord Aberdeen Scotland