What's the text of the error message that you are getting when it cannot dowload?
As to the second question, I'll check later but IIRC there's a check box that can be selected when deleting a track from a playlist that will remove it from the player. (I say I'll check because I see the following in the FAQ that doesn't cover this feature) Someone tell me if I dreamed this.
· How can I be sure that I've deleted all copies of a given song?
In versions of Emplode prior to 2.0, you must delete every copy of the song from every playlist. After the last copy has been deleted from the last playlist, the song file will be removed from the player.
In Emplode 2.0 and later, there is a special set of views which automatically categorize your songs. They are named "Artists", "Albums", "Genres", "Years", and "All Tracks". If you delete a song from your personal playlists, it will still exist in these views. Delete the song from one of these views to remove it from the player.