As a follow up to those prior threads about who the Dems have that might be able to beat Bush... held an on-line primary that attracted 300,000 voters. The results? Looks like Dean is the front-runner...

BRAUN 7021 2.21%
DEAN 139360 43.87%
EDWARDS 10146 3.19%
GRAHAM 7113 2.24%
KERRY 49973 15.73%
KUCINICH 76000 23.93%
GEPHARDT 7755 2.44%
LIEBERMAN 6095 1.92%
SHARPTON 1677 0.53%
OTHER 6121 1.93%
UNDECIDED 6378 2.01%
317647 100.00%

Complete results, along with some analysis...

(jeez, I wish this BBS had decent fixed width option that didn't double space everything...)