lmhosts will provide name resolution - That allows entry of the computer name instead of having to use the IP address. The problem you're running into is a different issue all together.

MS Networking uses NetBIOS. In order to use network neighborhood, and map drives, TCP ports 137 and 139 (there may be more...) need to be open on both ends so NB info can be passed back and forth. It's likely that your ISP (not to mention probably a lot of other routers on the 'net) has these ports blocked. As far as I know, you're probably going to be stuck with ftp, telnet, etc.

Someone else feel free to jump in here if I'm mistaken...

Bill B.
Mk.2 SN 080000183 - 18 GB /
[orange]Bill B.
Mk.2 SN 080000183 - 38 GB /[/orange] [green] Green [/green]