mvigneau, is there a way to rename the folder? Or would if be too much trouble to go through the registry changing keys?

There certainly is. Depending on what user dir you want to rename and what user you are logged on with, you may not need this, but just for the sake of security, create a temp-admin user account that you will delete after this is all completed.

Quickest thing that comes to my mind is this:

0) Delete the unused user dir (c:\documents and settings\username)
1) rename c:\documents and settings\username.winnt into c:\documents and settings\username
2) Get a tool like Microplanet Registry Studio and replace every occurrence of username.winnt into c:\documents and settings\username
3) Logoff/reboot
4) Logon with username. Delete the temp-admin account and its userdir in c:\documents and settings\temp-admin .

You may also modofy the specific key that defines the variable %userprofile% for the user you are interested in, but I don't have if handy here...

Also, as I was saying in another thread, you may want to change the location of the documents and settings folder, which in my view should be in a different disk/partition than \windows od \winnt . To do that it's easy and quick:

Still using your temp admin account, xcopy (with all passible switches to copy permissions, audit, attributes and so on) to any other location. Then enter the registry and modify this:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList.

Double-click ProfilesDirectory. Enter the path to the new folder, and click OK.

logoff, reboot, done.

= Taym =
MK2a #040103216 * 100Gb *All/Colors* Radio * 3.0a11 * Hijack = taympeg