I hadn't heard about an upgrade offer.

I'm a new DirecTV user ~1mo. I only had to have my sony stand alone hooked up for about 10 min. to know this was more trouble than it was worth.

I have been crusing Ebay. Its crazy the prices people run up. I've pretty much decided to go retail.

edit: There is something I've noticed about directivo, no web sites seem to mention specifically that you can or can't get tivo lifetime on a directivo unit. The only thing that is mentioned is that you can pay an additional $5/mo to get it.

The biggest problem I have is what to do with the Sony. It's a Series 1 with 240gigs, Lifetime and a tivonet card.

I kind of wish there was news about when HiDef DirecTiVos will appear.

Edited by gbeer (07/07/2003 22:24)