From a software standpoint, I'm going to support passing the serial through (at least initially), so it should handle the same list of protocols that gpsd or gpsapp support, depending on how things go. I could either get gpsd or gpsapp to talk to a socket connection, or port gpsd to the TINI itself. (I'll probably do one, then then other)

What I meant by "support" in this case was putting pads for a connector and mounting holes to attach the GPS module as a piggyback on my board. The OncoreGT has a 10-pin .1" header with TTL serial, +5V/GND, and a pin for a coin cell, which I plan to put on my board.

So if there are other OEM modules that speak TTL or "proper" serial, and I can put a connector in the right place to piggyback the module, I can try to make that work in the board design.

Mk.IIa #010101243 currently getting a 500GB SSD. More spares in the shed.