Ok, here's how my place breaks down:

3 LNB dish on roof has 2 coax feeds going to living room to feed 2 tuners on DirecTivo
OTA HD antenna on roof feed going to Sony HD200

1 TiVo video output is feeding 34XBR800 in living room
1 TiVo video output is feeding a crap 27" TV (for now) in my bedroom

So without having to re-wire, I can watch standard def in my bedroom.

I can run a 3rd coax from the dish to the coax that's feeding my bedroom and then put another receiver there. But if I do that, I lose access to my living room TiVo... Don't want to do that.

So what I'm now considering is replacing the crap 27" with the Panny TH-42PWD5UY which is a lower res plasma that can be had for < $3k. I can hook up DVD and SD TiVo to it, just not HD...

Anything I'm not thinking of? Did this make sense?

- Jon