And, I'll bet if you look at your console now, you'll see only marginally fewer random warnings and [censored].
Too true. Whenever I update something and get all that crap about active bonobos and orbiting gnome schemas everywhere, I just take it now as a signal to nuke the entire site from orbit and recompile the whole frickin' lot as far back as libxml2 (probably along the way needing to find and build even more recherche gnome packages with names like libsnurt, libfnig, and buggeration-2.0). No doubt with Evolution 2 you'll have to nuke and recompile as far back as X when your pango soup pixbufs are G_NOT_VALID or whatever.

Say what you like about KDE, at least it's easy to figure out what packages of it you need to install. And (gdk-pixbuf, are you listening?) it doesn't have cyclic build dependencies.
