empeg:/empeg/bin# dd if=/dev/hda3 of=/dev/null bs=512
48194+0 records in
48194+0 records out

empeg:/empeg/bin# dd if=/dev/hdc3 of=/dev/null bs=512
33264+0 records in
33264+0 records out

That looks normal, right? I have a 10 gig and a 30 gig drive in the Empeg.

I guess I was under the assumption that if I were to use the disk builder, it would wipe my disks clean and I could then start from scratch. What would be the best way to "start over"? Re-install 2.0? I am willing to re-upload all my mp3's and 3rd party software, I just want to be able to sync successfully again.
Mark Cushman