but dual well-behaved DHCP servers on a network should be fine
I know the Linux DHCPD does ping an address before it is assigned to ensure it is not in use. So, 2 running the same software should be fine. But I can't find proof anywhere that the Microsoft DHCP server does the same, as the MS guy at work is really paranoid about running 2 DHCP servers in the same scope.

Just found this technet article stating at least the MS DHCP server can be configured to ping an address before handing it out. I'll have to check the MS box to see how it is set up currently, I didn't remember stumbling across this option. (GUIs easier to use on a server, yeah right.)

Still haven't found anything about sharing lease files, but this should be good enough. Oh, to bring up part of the political reason...

Anyone here an HP customer with Proliant servers? If you called in to tech support, and asked the guy what your servers were running, and his answer was "A mixture of Windows and Linux", what would your response be? Role play this a little as a Windows admin. And yes, this was a reason I was given by a manager to not outright replacing a virus ridden piece of crap Windows 2000 server that the team uses, even thouh the majority of the team was in favor of such an action. He seems to forget that HP actually has a policy not to connect an Exchange server directly to the internet, and that any external mail must pass through a Unix box somewhere. He also seems to forget we make 2 versions of Unix ourselves (Tru64 and HP-UX), plus VMS, and used to have Bruse Perens on the payroll.
