The body was found lying on the ground, around five miles from Dr Kelly's home, a police spokeswoman said.
Well, that makes a 78.5 square mile search area.

A circle with a radius of 5 miles would have a 31.4 sq. mi. area.

A square whose center is five miles from each side would have a 25 sq. mi. area.

A square whose center is five miles from each corner would have a 50 sq. mi. area, if I did my math right.

Where does 78.5 come from?

Edit: Dammit. You're right. It'd have a 31.4 mi. circumference. And the first square would be 100 sq. mi. Nuts.

I shouldn't do math when sleepy.

Edited by wfaulk (18/07/2003 09:11)
Bitt Faulk