Now that in v3.00-alpha3 the player uses utf-8 encoded tags and databases, I was hoping it would display some none-iso8859-1 characters, like the japanese characters in songs from Logic System.

Unfortunately, it doesn't. Even emplode will not display them. (BTW, the left pane in Emplode doesn't do UTF-8 at all).

Has anyone seen any non-iso characters pop up?
Unfortunately all the fonts supplied with the car-player only have U+0020 to U+00FF defined. I'd like to do something about this for v3, but we don't currently have any big fonts in those small car-player sizes. I've had it working if I replace the 9-pixel font with a 13-pixel full-Kanji font, but the font is several Mb long and basically only fits on Mark 2a players.

Emplode doesn't understand beyond-U+00FF characters at all; by the time v3 ships we'll probably have switched to Rio Music Manager (which does).
