I had a great time at Euro Meet 2003. Many thanks to Rob S, Rob V, and the rest of the Empeg guys.

Before some of the ideas that were suggested, during and after the meet, slip away, I wanted to post them here for a good kicking. I'm not saying they're possible or practical but I'll post them anyway. Please take the following as suggestions and not complaints in anyway. I'll definitely be back next year. (And yes, by writing them here, I am volunteering to help.)

How about another category for installs? Call it Empeg Towers Choice, the "Out of Car Experience", or an other category. Those who were there and saw Julf's install will understand why. If anyone has a picture they can attach, it'll save me an explanation.

A digital LED for web cam feedback for those who cannot be there in person.

A playlist drawing for a few people to provide the music for the BBQ (via their Empegs of course). I would have liked to have heard a sampling of the GB of "new to me" music that was at the event. It would also give the neighbors something else to shout about

A return of the treasure hunt game with a geo-caching addition. Mark (mlord) infected Thomas (Speedy67) and I with the geo-caching disease.

No more Friday afternoon business meetings so that I don't miss the ribs again.

Any that I've missed?