Hang on, the idea is that the loudness tends to zero at that -14dB. This means that there would be no adjustment between 0 and -14dB. At say -16dB there would only be a bit of loudness adjustment say ~1 dB, i.e. not enough to push it above the zero point.

I see your point. You're right, in order to prevent clipping at 0db, you wouldn't necessarily need the cutoff to be as low as -14db.

I'd still like to have no loudness at all near the top 10-15db of the range- but that's just because it's the way my amps are set up, and I really would want it that way. Like I said, allowing those cutoff points to be user-definable would be cool, so we could adjust it however we wanted for our own systems.

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris