Maybe you could find someone in your church or community that is, or knows someone who is a lawyer.
Unfortunately she lives in Texarkana, where we know almost no one. My wife's Grandmother lives there, but I fear the chances are that she won't be able to find a lawyer unless some cash gets on the table. I suppose the consultation is a good option.
Why has SHE been arrested? On what grounds?
I'm a little fuzzy on the details (and I believe she may be as well), as my wife just called me frantically. My understanding is that she is being arrested for writing a hot check (a really big one), which was part of the scam. Apparently the scammer would deposit funds into her account and she would write a check to someone else’s, keeping 10% for herself. Of course this doesn't make sense, because why would she write a check if there weren’t any money? I really don't understand it all.
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.