LOL! Well, I already have RAID1 myself, it's now 7 years ago. And my girlfriend/wife (depends on when you are reading this) told me that he looks exactly like me. So why should I post a photo of an 31 year old man when I can put a photo of a 7 year old boy which is exactly like me (because he is my son, indeed). By the way, he handles the DOS-Shell much better than I ever did.

In a country where you can drive as fast as the light, everything is possible :-)), but you should marry
a) when you are at leat 18 years old and of course
b) not before you are really sure you got the wife of your live.

For me a) and b) are ok, so I will do this incredible step.


By the way, if you surf through the web, you will find almost everything about my life:
My son's site
My car's site
My wife's site
My empeg's site
My wedding-site
My private site
My Money-site

okok, it's enough, but I could write down much more :-)
Did you ever typed in your own name into
I tried "rolf winterscheidt" and I was surprised. You could live my life with this information, I should think about that...

Connecting Empeg via Bluetooth or Wireless LAN
*** Proud owner of the European Worst Install Trophy 2003 ! ***