Man, I hooked up with this girl last weekend and it was soooooooo awesome. I was just checking the email on my computer and she was like, "Are you into unnormal play?" And so I typed back, "Oh you bet, my play is the unnormalest!" And then she was like "a/s/l?" And I was like "a/s/l? what the hell is a/s/l? association/symbolic/language? asian/sport/logrolling?" And then I was like "Screw the log rolling, I just wanna lick you." And then she was like "I am sooooo hot for you. You should come on over right this second... But first give me your credit card." So you know, I gave her Homestar's credit card and went to her house. We threw back a few cold ones... and the rest is pretty much history. She was one sexy-loving bot, though. Oh man, I can't stop thinkin about her. I've been so distracted I didn't even get to my email this week. Oh well, I gotta go work on my CD... yo.
Holy Crap