I can't find much about it anywhere which is very surprising if you believe their website. How could it not be on the news if their thumbing their nose at the RIAA from a Jenin Refuge camp?

I did find this in dejanews but it has no source to back up the claims...

: The Earthstation 5 (ES5) P2P app, which boasts anonymous sharing
: and security, is actually software designed by contractors hired
: by the RIAA! The "Dating" feature was designed to trick users
: into entering their personal info, which makes it easier for the
: RIAA to compile statistics and track down users. All traffic
: statistics are routed through proxies operated by agencies
: working for the RIAA, most notably BayTSP and MediaForce. The
: cheesy outerspace theme was designed to appeal to newbies while
: appearing to have a feeling of security to it without scaring
: away the non-techies. Company info for ES5 is very vague, ...
: can you guess why?
: ES5 is just one of the many projects in effect by the RIAA. The
: MPAA is staying somewhat neutral at the moment, but has similiar
: plans in store.

Either way, I figure this would be big news. WTF?

I did find this....

http://tinyurl.com/ibuq searching through Wired. Slashdot has only one mention which is fairly cryptic.

Earthstation 5 has grown from a simple P2P network to the largest P2P portal in the world with an average of 11,536,240 simultaneous users on-line at any given moment of the day or night. Currently, new users are downloading Earthstation 5 software located at http://www.earthstation5.com/ on a average of 500,000 times per day in the 18 languages that Earthstation 5 currently offers.

Hmmm, Lord of the Rings trailer hit 1.7M downloads per day. What kind of hardware would to they need to support 0.5M/day?

Here's another story...


Edited by Mach (28/07/2003 15:35)