Nice... Just downloaded my first pics.
I used an old Palm III docking cradle and disassembled it to get at the connector and the small circuit board the connector is attached to.
Since I didn't want to destroy the cradle (I'm waiting for a sync cable to make a permanent solution) I left the original serial wire attached, as well as the small board that houses the sync button. I simply soldered the wires from a USB cable to the relevant pads (at the back
of the board where the pins from the connector show). There is also a small ceramic cap attached at one corner of the board - since I didn't feel like investigating exactly to which pins it was attached and/or whether it might interfere, I simply snipped one of the leads and gently bent it away. When time comes to reassemble the cradle, it'll be a piece of cake to
bend it back and solder the snipped lead back together.
One should note that the pins on the connector on the small circuit board are numbered in reverse compared to the camera...

According to the board, I have ground (black) connected to E1, white (USB data) to E2, green (USB data) to E3 and red (+5V) to E5.
The connector and the circuit board it's attached to is just the perfect thickness to give a nice friction fit in the camera.
Now I just have to look at why my XP Pro box claims there are no driver installed and insist on popping up the Install New Hardware wizard all the time when the camera is attached, and get around to install gphoto on the Linux box...