(Pronto) is currently completely uncharged and collecting dust on my nightstand underneath a pile of other junk

Mine gets daily use as the universal ON/OFF box for the entertainment center. Other than that is spends most of it's life falling off the back of the couch onto the hardwood floor. Damn tough device, it is. But it is constantly in low battery mode (rechargable) and will not let me get ot the options to change anything and I can no longer connect to it through the serial port. Oh and it won't charge, but it won't go dead either...

The cool thing is when I hit the "Home" button to go to turn everything off, the dogs know what the beep means, time for bed! They pop-up from a (supposed) deep sleep and head to the bedroom.
Dave Clark Georgetown, Texas MK2A 42Gb - AnoFace - Smoke Lens - Dead Tuner - Sirius Radio on AUX