When I was ten or so, my step-father moved in and brought some bees with him, three hives worth. I'm allergic to bees and fortunately didn't have to take the hives apart, I got the fun job of spinning out the honey. mmm, sweeet. One day, when I was fourteen or something, a bee came in with the comb and finally decided to sting me on the upper eyelid. I'm allergic to stings and despite the drugs got an enourmous lump on my head. I really looked like the elephant man's younger brother. I stayed inside for most of that week but went out to see some friends.
I had that awkward moment of them trying not to laugh and me looking foolish as they stared at this lump on my head.
After a few days the swelling actually was flowing from my forehead, down the bridge of my nose and under my eyes.
Not fun
-- Murray I What part of 'no' don't you understand? Is it the 'N', or the 'Zero'?