Ditto. There is a much higher chance of the Amazon reviewers actually having USED the thing. A lot of the stuff on slashdot is made up crap and posturing. Half the time the people don't even read the article/link/whatever that the story links to but they still feel the need to post something.

I remember a while back there was a article about some professor (Steve Mann I believe) who does cybernetics and how airport security made him remove the equipment he was wearing. I'd say there were over a hundred posts about how he must have been deeply disorientated by having the environment and information processing implants removed. If you actually read the article then you'd know what had happened and that he was perfectly fine if a bit annoyed afterwards. The level of technology the slashdot morons were implying were pure fantasy and it was evident that they hadn't even bothered to skim the article before posting their garbage.