I have all my playlists set for automatic repeat, but when I get to the end of the playlist, the player just stops, says "End of Playlist" and sits there quietly until I press a button or two.

In my experience, this only happens when you've done a powerdown/powerup cycle between the time you started playing the playlist and the time the playlist was done playing.

Although I seem to recall you saying that you'd reproduced it with a single-song playlist.

I haven't looked at it closely, but either way, it's a bug. One that I think has been reported in the bug list forum, but maybe deserves a direct bug report.

Speaking of repeat... is it possible, or could it be possible, to extend the repeat function down to a single track? Maybe press a button on the remote to toggle track repeat on/off.

I'm pretty sure a dedicated "repeat" button is in their long-term plans already.

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris